A new UNESCO campaign challenges our perceptions of what ”back to normal” should mean in the post COVID-19 era
Article published on 26-06-2020
UNESCO is launching a global campaign challenging our perception of normality. The "Next Normal" clip presents factual information about the world before and during the pandemic. Put together, these facts invite viewers to question their ideas about what is normal, suggesting that we have accepted the unacceptable for far too long. Our previous reality can no longer be accepted as normal. Now is the time for change. UNESCO believes that the need for lasting change must take root in the hearts and minds of people everywhere before it can become reality.
The campaign is part of a wider effort by UNESCO to reflect on the world to come, notably through the UNESCO forum initiative, a laboratory of ideas bringing together prominent thinkers, the Resiliart movement, a series of panel debates on the future of culture and the cultural industries, the Futures Literacy Network, as well as the Futures of education programme, the global recommendations for open science, and the ethics of artificial intelligence.
UNESCO invites the media and opinion leaders to share “The Next Normal” campaign. To find out more and get involved, visit UNESCO’s social media accounts: https://en.unesco.org/campaign/nextnormal