NCR UNESCO opened its gates today with the photography exhibition ”Treasures of Romania”, signed by Ilie Tudorel
Article published on 29-10-2018
The National Commission of Romania for UNESCO organizes at its headquarters on Anton Cehov Street no. 8, during October 29 – November 26, the second edition of the biennial program "Open Gates at NCR UNESCO", where a series of educational - cultural projects will be launched, organized in partnership with UNESCO entities in Romania: photo and sculpture exhibitions, book launches, movie screenings, debates, conferences, artistic moments.
"Open Gates at NCR UNESCO" II-nd edition commemorates the Centenary of the Great Union in 1918 and marks the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018.
The program was officially opened on October 29 at 13.00, by Mr. Ani Matei, NCR UNESCO Secretary - General, who presented the importance of such an initiative and introduced the special guests, Mr. deputy Ionel Palăr, chairman of the Joint Standing Committee of the Chamber of Deputies and Senate for the relationship with UNESCO, Mr. Ştefan Bâlici, manager of the National Institute for Heritage, Mr. Ilie Tudorel, artist photographer. Mr. Tudorel has opened the photo exhibition "Treasures of Romania", which can be visited at NCR UNESCO headquarters until November 7, from 10.00 to 16.00, except Saturday and Sunday.
The "Treasures of Romania" photographic exhibition is an exhibition - event that aims to promote among cultural lovers in the country and abroad the most important cultural, tangible and intangible, heritage values in Romania recognized by UNESCO. You can therefore see pictures of Dacian fortresses from Orăștie Mountains, wooden churches in Maramureș, painted churches in northern Moldavia, villages with fortified churches in the center of Transylvania, the historical center of Sighișoara, Hurezi Monastery, the Danube Delta, ancient beech forests of the Carpathians - Strâmbu-Băiuţ and Groşii Ţibleşului, the men’s group caroling, doina, the craftsmanship of Horezu ceramics, the lad’s dance, the traditional wall-carpet craftsmanship, the Căluș ritual, cultural practices associated with March 1 st.
The national tour of the exhibition goes through all the historical regions of Romania, until now the exhibition being exhibited in the regions of Banat, Bucovina, Crişana, Maramureş, Moldova, Oltenia and Transylvania, in museums and other cultural institutions. The photos, made at a high artistic level, are a living mirror of the cultural wealth of the Romanian people and can be an important vector for the promotion of cultural tourism in Romania.
We thank our sponsors - Residence Hotels Bucharest, Cofetăria Ina, Licorna Winehouse, Business Channels Connect, as well as our partners - TVR, Radio România Actualități, Radio România Cultural, Ziarul Metropolis, UNITER.
Ilie Tudorel, artist photographer – Baia Mare, Maramureş, 0744 361 333, e-mail: