Conferinţă internaţională pe educaţie la Sibiu
Articol publicat pe 16-05-2017
În perioada 11 – 12 mai am participat la Sibiu la conferinţa internaţională “Sustainable Development Goals: how to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”, organizată de către Catedra UNESCO în Managementul Calităţii în Învăţământul Superior şi Formare Continuă din cadrul Universităţii „Lucian Blaga”. Dna. Daniela Popescu, expert CNR UNESCO, a vorbit despre susţinerea pe care Comisia Naţională a României pentru UNESCO o oferă activităţilor care promovează educaţia, ca obiectiv de dezvoltare durabilă central al UNESCO şi a prezentat evenimentele pe care Comisia le-a desfăşurat în ultima perioadă în sfera de interes a Agendei ONU 2030.
Mesajul dnei Daniela Popescu, expert CNR UNESCO:
„Ladies and Gentlemen,
In the name of the Romanian National Commission for UNESCO, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the invitation to be at your side today at this important educational event, organized by an UNESCO chair in Romania: „Lucian Blaga” University from Sibiu.
My gratitude goes out to the organizers, the partners and the participants who brought forward interesting and challenging themes for discussion and have come from the world in order to discuss and present pressing academic issues.
I would like to present you as follows, the message of the Romanian National Commission for UNESCO at this event, a video message .
The world is constantly changing, and the global geopolitical situation is becoming more and more complex. To deal with these issues (which are a feature of our generation, no other era of humanity has ever had them before, we are talking about energy, IT, pollution, health, economic development, cultural diversity etc.), we need a new type of citizens to think in a global way. In order to have these world citizens, we must promote in education certain values of responsibility, empathy and long-term thinking that must be internalized by everyone.
It is not enough to present some laws that the world will automatically respect. People have to do what is good in any situation no matter whether they are caught or not by the authorities. For example: a person should be responsible for the environment in every situation, wherever they are, not only if they know there is law enforcement through the surroundings and they may receive a fine. To do this, they must already have a certain set of rooted values, and here comes education.
Resources of any kind are limited and must be organized in a responsible way so that we also offer them to the next generations. Sustainable development in education means investing in people who will create a better, fairer world and fight for PACE.
Education is vital to participation in social life. Many international studies have shown that at present the rate of people who can read and write well enough to be able to cope with the challenges encountered in life is far too low. The key to solving in this case is a good enough training from the earliest years of life. For example, only in Europe 20% of the young population up to 15 is unable to write / read. This means on one hand that one in five people in Europe is not sufficiently prepared to enter the labor market. On the other hand, they did not have the necessary assistance and attention during the first years of schooling. Today’s child becomes the diplomat of tomorrow who will choose to resolve a peaceful conflict and will no longer resort to war. It is very important to impart a „mindset” of responsibility and ethics in education, especially in peace education. There is a need for an international dialogue to involve all of them in the active resolution of contemporary issues, and here UNESCO and partners have interfered with the Incheon Declaration, a project that aims to achieve important educational goals by the year 2030.
Interdisciplinary cooperation is needed to encourage responsible behavior and values to polish an active Civil Society involved in creating the highest quality natural, social and cultural environment.
It is paramount that relevant personalities who are active in the educational field come together and discuss from a global perspective the contemporary dilemmas regarding educational ethics. Constant, well-organized and effective dialogue is the only solution to the obstacles in education determined by issues such as energy supply security, an efficient and responsible energy mix, the spread of technology and its consequences on the human psyche, economic development, migration, cultural diversity, environmental responsibility and the list can go on.
We would like to exemplify with an important international event that organization along with its partners developed.
The National Commissions from Romania and China along with the European Federation for UNESCO Clubs, Centers and Associations and the Chinese Federation for UNESCO Clubs signed a partnership for an Educational Forum Asia-Europe.
The first edition of the forum was hosted by the Huijia School in Beijing, China in 2013. The second edition of the forum, themed The Multicultural Challenge, was hosted by the Jilin HuaQiao Foreign Languages University in China. The 3rd edition was the first one to be hosted on European soil, namely in Bucharest, Romania in 2015. The third edition of the Asia-Europe Forum on Education was dedicated to an important historical landmark: the 70th Anniversary of the establishment of UNESCO.
The main pillar for discussion regards current challenges to education; AEFE 2015 was focused entirely to the themes regarding Sustainable Development in Education.
The forum has brought together personalities from 34 countries, who are active in the field of education, are dynamic and interested in shaping educational progress in order to elevate humankind through knowledge.
In today’s ever changing altering, developing, dynamic and irresolute world, we, as societies are facing threats and provocations unknown to previous generations. These continuous mutations that are developing at a personal, local, national and global level are generating an increasingly convoluted and labyrinthine international geopolitical situation.
In order to be capable to cope in an efficient manner with these sets of newly emerging problems which are unique to our times we need skilled, proficient people, with a certain know-how who fully understand the challenges of these Gordian times. Education is crucial and it is necessary for society to have a meaningful conversation regarding the way future generations will be brought up.
This forum aimed specifically at promoting innovative solutions for a meaningful intercultural education and aims at promoting intercultural dialogue which would lessen the existing tensions between different cultures and help everybody work together in order to create a better world for themselves, their loved ones and future generations through sustainable development.
Sustainable development in education means to invest in people and create a mindset of responsibility and ethics, the outcome of which would be an international, all-inclusive dialogue. Interdisciplinary cooperation is needed in order to encourage responsible behavior and actively engage citizens.
Dr. Daniela Popescu”